A Horse For Helen

a fused summary by Samuel, age 15, Writing Foundations 2

The ancient battle of the Trojan War started with a woman and ended with a horse. The combat began when Helen left her husband, Sparta’s King Menelaus, for Paris, Prince of Troy. When Paris refused to release Helen, the Greeks set sail to declare war on Troy in an attempt to retrieve the woman. The two armies waged war for ten years. Finally the Greeks had an ingenious idea. They built a huge hollow horse constructed of wood with Greek soldiers hidden inside and hoisted it to the gates of Troy. The Trojans surmised that the goddess Athena bestowed upon them the ligneous horse. While the Greeks sailed away misleading the Trojans into thinking that the war had ended, the Trojans welcomed the horse inside their walls. In the end Greek soldiers loped out of the belly of the horse and defeated Troy. Therefore, the war began with Helen and ended with a wooden horse.

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